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    3 Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

    Posted March 26, 2014, 2:09 pm by TeenLife Blogger
    3 Tips for Writing am Effective Cover Letter

    Eventually, every professional needs to know how to write effective cover letters. A great cover letter shows maturity and writing ability. Cover letters must be written well and show sincere interest and understanding of the company and what it needs in a potential candidate.

    3 Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

    1.Don’t take the lazy way out.

    Teens tend to use the same cover letter repeatedly—or tweak it slightly—whether or not the content remains applicable to each job under consideration. They write one cover letter that can be used for any job that they might possibly consider. Inevitably, this cover letter is incredibly broad and generic. It describes how the individual would be great for a sales job...or working with children...or using a computer...or maybe doing some writing. Don’t make this mistake—write a custom letter each time.

    2. Marry your background to the employer’s needs.

    Many candidates make the mistake of writing about why the job would be beneficial to them instead of why they would be a great addition to the company. After explaining personal information and reasoning for writing to the company, candidates need to specify how they can do the job better than the other prospective employees. In addition, applicants should write what they like about the company and how they’re going to make life easier every day. Be sure to include availability and contact information. Lastly, end sincerely with a “thank you” for taking the time to read the cover letter.

    3. No errors.

    You should keep in mind that recruiters see dozens of resumes and cover letters each week. It is important to make a cover letter the most presentable it can be. It’s best to keep the cover letter at one page in length, about three paragraphs long.

    Write like a human! While it’s important to be professional, a cover letter should also reflect a friendly and unique personality. Double check the cover letter several times. Is the font the same size and style throughout? Is it easy to read? Are spaces, commas, dashes and periods consistent? Are there any spelling errors? Double check your work. These simple, silly errors could determine one candidate over another in an employer’s eyes.

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    TeenLife Blogger

    TeenLife Blogger

    TeenLife Blogger is a writer and blogger at TeenLife.
