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    4 Steps to Finding a Summer Arts Program

    Posted April 13, 2016, 1:00 pm
    4 Steps to Finding a Summer Arts Program

    If you are creative, you may be searching for the perfect summer arts program.

    There are programs available in just about every area of performing, visual and technical arts: art, film, theater, music, architecture, design, fashion and much more. Using the summer to enhance your creativity and build your resume is a wise investment.

    Since many pre-college summer arts programs require an audition or portfolio as part of the application, start as early as possible, making note of the specific programs, and completing all the application requirements. Deadlines for many of these programs are in early spring but it’s always good to check if they have openings. If it’s too late for this coming summer, take note of requirements and what courses or experience you might need in the coming academic year to apply.

    Using this information, how do you find the perfect summer arts program?

    Start with an internet search

    The best place to begin is online. The results will be astounding. You can refine the search with specific areas of interest: e.g. music, photography, drawing, theater, etc. You can also add your town or state to the search to narrow it down even further. With these beginning results, you can start to sift through programs.

    Talk to high school teachers and counselors

    High school teachers and counselors are another resource. Art teachers, music teachers, theater teachers, and other teachers should have contacts in their areas of expertise. Counselors should have information regarding summer programs as well as these often come across their desks, provided by the programs themselves.

    Explore college offerings

    Check out the colleges in your area with arts programs. Browse other college websites. Arts programs at these colleges look for students who want to further their interest and passion in the arts.

    Contact local arts organizations

    Many local arts organizations and groups sponsor summer programs. Check with your local symphony organization, art museum, theater groups, art studios, or even local high schools and town recreation programs. Local programs are often affordable and offer a chance to connect with local artists and performers.

    [Looking for more info from the TeenLife Experts? Here's some suprising news about an art education!]

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