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    5 Reasons Why Volunteering In High School Matters

    Posted by Ava Menghi

    It's no secret that high school days are constantly jam-packed with classes, homework, clubs, sports, and social life. With so many different things already on your plate, it may be impossible to imagine adding another to your to-do list. However, it is extremely worthwhile to consider volunteering. 

    Volunteering and giving back to your community is an invaluable opportunity every student should take, regardless of age or grade level. 

    As cliche as it may sound, the community service I participated in during my four high school years truly shaped who I am today. I look back on how I dedicated my time and feel great satisfaction in having been able to do so much. 

    Volunteering doesn’t just fulfill community service hours or build up your resume — it’s a chance to explore interests, meet amazing people, and make a real impact. 

    Here are five reasons why making time to volunteer during high school is totally worth it. 

    One: Personal Growth

    Volunteering while in high school sets the stage for you to experience loads of personal growth. It can change your perspective on the world and yourself. These experiences push you to break out of your shell and engage with different people and communities. Over time, this exposure increases your empathy for others and the environment.

    Giving back feels rewarding and transforms your views and perspectives for the better.

    Two: Community Impact

    Arguably, the most important aspect of volunteering is the positive impact you can make on your community. Whether you’re interested in helping out at local animal shelters, tutoring students needing academic assistance, or participating in cleanup projects, any effort, small or big, makes such an enormous difference. 

    It is important to research and discover local opportunities to make a difference, as there are so many! 

    During all four years of high school, I participated in various volunteer activities, whether it was a one-time community service event or an ongoing volunteer program or club. From painting nails at senior care facilities to helping out at local food pantries, helping others always brought an incredibly rewarding feeling.   

    Three: Leadership Opportunities

    Volunteering provides countless opportunities to develop and utilize leadership skills. Participating in a community service program or volunteer-oriented club may give you the chance to organize events and projects and lead others. 

    Learning successful leadership and responsibility skills early in life is important because those skills transfer into future careers or positions. 

    Four: Career Exploration

    High school is a time to explore potential career paths, and volunteering is an excellent way to do so. You can gain firsthand experience and insights in different fields while allowing you to try out participating in these interests. 

    Through volunteering, you might find new passions, see certain issues from a different perspective, and gain a deeper understanding of what you value. It’s the perfect chance to grow and discover who you are and what you’re passionate about. 

    Five: Networking and Resume Building 

    All types of community service foster networking and community building while opening doors to new opportunities. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and form strong connections that could help you later in your professional life. Volunteering experiences commonly lead to internships, job opportunities, or a new mentor or reference. 

    This type of experience is also valuable in college applications and resumes because it often leads to scholarships and other opportunities. You should look into and experience volunteering in high school. You'll help others and learn more about yourself. So get involved and make a difference!

    Check out all of the fantastic volunteer opportunities TeenLife has to offer!

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    Ava Menghi

    Ava Menghi

    Ava Menghi is a junior at Boston University studying public relations in the College of Communication. She was previously a student in the College of General Studies program at BU, during which time she had the opportunity to study abroad in London.
