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    sat prep

    5 Tips To Help Teens Prepare for the SAT

    Posted August 19, 2021, 2:23 pm by Adam Shlomi

    1. Start Early

    While the SAT tests topics that students will most likely have seen in their classes at school, the exam tests those topics in unique ways. Having an online SAT tutor can help students learn those topics. Starting preparation for the SAT early allows students to connect the SAT’s structure and quirks with the topics as they learn them. Becoming familiar with the test early on also helps students reduce testing anxiety when the time comes to actually take the test, become accustomed to the time constraints of the four sections, and gain confidence watching their practice scores increase as they progress in school.

    2. Establish a Study Schedule

    Especially as the test date approaches, create a timeline for studying to make sure that all problem areas are adequately addressed before test day. Creating a study schedule reduces the risk of having to cram large amounts of preparation into the week before the test, which is both ineffective and stressful. A schedule also ensures regularity and consistency, which both play a big role in predicting success on the SAT. While sporadic studying is better than no studying at all, consistent preparation spread out over months is an ideal model to follow. There are many free online SAT blogs where students can download a study schedule.

    3. Know Your Goals

    While students should always shoot for the highest score they can, setting attainable goals specific to the abilities and aspirations of a student is essential to keeping them motivated and committed to putting in the work required to succeed. Even if a student isn’t sure to which colleges they would like to apply specifically, start by getting a rough idea of SAT score ranges for schools that would be realistic based on other factors (grades, extracurriculars, etc). Take the average of those scores to use as a benchmark. As the student’s practice scores increase and their college list becomes more concrete, this benchmark can always be moved up!

    4. Consider Tutoring

    Tutoring is a great way to better understand a student’s strengths and weaknesses and supplement their self-guided study. Even if a tutor isn’t necessary for the entire preparation process, consulting with a tutor even just for a limited period of time can yield valuable information about how the student’s tendencies relate to the various topics of the test. Getting to the bottom of structural issues is key for success, no matter the student’s starting score!

    5. Superscoring

    If studying for the entire test doesn’t seem like a manageable task, consider preparing for one half of the test at a time. While the student will have to sit for the entire test no matter what, they have the ability to superscore (create a total score comprised of their best Language Arts and Math scores from different tests). This allows students to devote all of their attention to either Language Arts or Math when studying. Superscoring is by no means necessary, and always check on admissions websites to make sure schools the student is interested in allows it, but many students who enjoy intensive focus on one topic at a time find it helpful.

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    Adam Shlomi

    Adam Shlomi

    Adam Shlomi is the founder of SoFlo SAT Tutoring. He went to Georgetown University, scored a 1570/1600 on the SAT, and now SoFlo has 100 tutors on the team but when he founded SoFlo he was bedridden recovering from ankle surgery with doctors saying I may never walk again. Learn more at soflotutors.com
