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    5 Ways a Summer Program Can Help You Get Into College

    Posted April 20, 2016, 1:00 pm
    5 Ways a Summer Program Can Help You Get Into College

    Summer is quickly approaching and you face the inevitable question: How do I spend my summer?

    Should I get a job, go to camp, or just take it easy and enjoy my vacation? A college-bound student however, should ask this question: How can I use the summer to explore my passion and interests?

    The best place to begin is with pre-college summer programs. These programs are available for all areas of interests such as sports, creative arts and STEM. Thye come in all lengths and budgets; some are day programs, others overnight. By participating, you will not only be discovering what interests you, but also creating something to interest college admissions staff.

    Here are five benefits of attending a summer program:

    1. A summer program allows you to discover your passion or future career or even a college.

    Many of these programs help cement your college major and college choice. Once you find something interesting or that you love, it’seasier to choose a college and a major. A summer program is also a good way to try out a college that you think might interest you.

    2. A summer program gives you the chance to meet experts in your area of interest.

    These summer programs are taught by experts and professionals. In addition, many college summer programs offer students direct contact with college faculty and researchers. These contacts can help you choose majors, decide appropriate colleges, and give you insight into what it will be like studying and learning in a college environment. Another added benefit: networking. Some of these contacts may become invaluable throughout your college years and when you’re looking for internships and jobs.

    3. A summer program will strengthen your academic abilities.

    Academic summer programs let you continue learning during the summer. And they let you learn in an environment that’s outside your usual classroom, even out in the field, using different ways of processing and absorbing information.

    4. A summer program will provide structure and focus.

    It’s easy to slip into laziness and academic complacency during the summer months. Summer programs keep you stay challenged and focused, while still having fun and making new friends.

    5. A summer program helps create a well-rounded student.

    Start with an area in which you feel comfortable, then try something new! A well-rounded student is appealing to college admissions. Admissions officers look for direction, passion and commitment when evaluating an application. A summer program communicates all three of these and demonstrates your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and be independent.

    [Looking for more info from the TeenLife Experts? Here's 5 ways (or more) you can make your summer rock!]

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