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    College Acceptances, Deposits and Waitlists in the Year of the Coronavirus

    Posted April 23, 2020, 1:56 pm by Joyce Slayton Mitchell
    College Acceptances, Deposits and Waitlists in the Year of the Coronavirus

    Seniors. You know your options. You’ve got your college decisions from the colleges. April is traditionally the month when the power is all yours. Once you have been accepted you can choose to accept or deny the college acceptance. Or if you were waitlisted, you can choose to waitlist and accept another college.

    I know. It doesn’t feel powerful. Emotions are high, feelings are on edge as you waited so anxiously for so long to hear from the colleges. Not to mention that this year adds a world problem to throw everyone off balance… the Coronavirus. The Class of 2020 has no known end of high school years with final grades, celebrations and graduations – which may or not be held. You may even question your college choices now that the virus is on the scene.

    Can COVID-19 Improve My Chances on the Waitlist?

    The year of the COVID-19. The good news is that daily exceptions are being made by the colleges with flexibility in year-end grades, test scores, deposit dates and earlier acceptances from the waitlists in your favor. Colleges are working hard and creatively to enroll their freshman class for whenever it will be able to start in the fall of 2020. Because of the virus, colleges increased their waitlists significantly. Even the most selective colleges.

    Remember this – a world crisis presents opportunity as well as disaster. All of the colleges in this season of unknown factors have a much longer waitlist than ever before. And many selective colleges have already started to accept waitlisted students. For that reason, if you are waitlisted where you prefer to go, be sure and get your response right back to them. Now. This is your opportunity to show the college that if selected from the waitlist, you intend to take their offer.

    Along with the YES! to stay on their waitlist, write a short letter telling the college your reasons you are the best match for their college. Make sure that you are specific about who you are and why that particular college is where you have the most to give to their campus. Get that letter back to your waitlist college right now. Write your letter today.

    What If I Need More Time for My College Deposit Date?

    Deposit dates have been extended to June 1 by hundreds of colleges, if you are unsure what your deposit date is, ask them! If June is the new deposit date, take your time to learn more about your options among your accepted and waitlisted choices.

    More flexibility on the deposit date means that even if your choice is not on the June 1 list, write a letter asking for a later date because of your particular circumstances at home. Flexibility means an openness during COVID in all things college admissions. Don’t wait for the college to tell you, make a case for yourself for why you need an extended deposit date.

    Colleges are Ready to Work With You

    Most important for you to know is that every single college is very aware of your decision burdens this year. They are all eager to be adjustable. Colleges know that this is the year that they must make exceptions on your final grades, test requirements, financial documents that you have sent in before the virus hit the USA. Being home instead of in school during this virus and unable to go to your school counselors’ office is hard. If you have not yet heard from your school counselor, send an email or call and ask if there are any directions coming form their office soon?

    Be clear with your counselor, telling him where you have been Accepted, Waitlisted or Denied. Be sure your school counselor knows the decisions from your college applications. Discuss your waitlist opportunities as your counselor sees them. Remember the good news…Colleges will be more adjustable this year than ever before. They understand that there are many unknowns on your final grades and test scores. Take advantage of their flexibility and write those waitlist letters with hope and courage. Call your counselor! Write your waitlist letters!

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    Joyce Slayton Mitchell

    Joyce Slayton Mitchell

    Joyce Slayton Mitchell, former public and school college counselor, author of WHO IS THIS KID? COLLEGES WANT TO KNOW! Writing Exercises for Winning Applications, 2019; 8 First Choices: Strategies for Getting in, 4th Edition, 2020. Education Consultant for U.S. College Admissions, US and China.
