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    How to Present Your Summer Program Experience on College Apps/Resumes

    Posted December 23, 2024, 1:00 am by Stefanie Tedards
    presenting your summer experiences

    You have plenty of opportunities to showcase your summer experiences in your college applications, but each format requires a slightly different approach.

    For example, the Common Application has a section called "Activities" where you can list up to 10 extracurricular activities. There’s space to provide a brief description of each activity, contributions and accomplishments, and any leadership roles you held. Remember that the amount of detail and the number of activities you can include may vary depending on the application platform.

    If you submit a resume with your application, follow standard resume guidelines. Stick to a one-page format with clear headings and concise, action-oriented bullet points. Instead of merely describing the activity, focus on the specific skills you gained and the measurable outcomes of your involvement.

    While both options allow you to include your summer program in your applications, your essays offer the best way to showcase your experiences. Application essays have space for more content and nuance, allowing you to explore and reflect on the deeper impact of your experience. Here are three tips to consider when writing about your summer program experience.

    Focus on the “Why”

    Writing a compelling college essay requires going beyond simply recounting events or summarizing what you did over the summer. Focus on explaining what made the experience so meaningful and how it contributed to your personal growth.

    Great college admissions essays often center on a story of change. To tell this story effectively, start by reflecting on your mindset before the program — perhaps a challenge you were facing, a goal you were striving for, or why you chose the program in the first place. This focus will give context to your growth and clarify your transformation.

    Remember, your essay needs a stronger message beyond your enjoying the experience or having fun. Instead, focus on how the experience led to a meaningful realization about yourself or the world. A realization could involve learning a key lesson or embracing a personal value — such as perseverance, responsibility, or empathy — especially through facing a challenge or overcoming an obstacle. Your essay should highlight this transformation, showing how you worked toward a goal and navigated difficulties and how that experience ultimately shaped the person you are today.

    Connect Your Experience to Your Long-Term Goals

    Since college is all about building toward your future, consider connecting your summer experience to your broader academic and career aspirations. Showcase how the program has advanced your goals, whether by helping you decide on a future college major or teaching you skills related to your field of study. Demonstrating how your summer experience is a stepping stone toward your larger ambitions will elevate its impact on your application.

    If your summer program doesn’t directly align with your future goals, consider how the experience taught you essential skills that will support your success in college and beyond. Whether it’s leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, or time management, highlight how these skills will help you excel in your college courses, extracurriculars, and future career, no matter your path.

    Demonstrate Impact Beyond the Program

    While a summer program might have been a truly amazing, transformative experience, showing how you've applied the lessons you learned beyond the program itself will resonate more with those reading your essay. Provide specific examples of how your participation has sparked ongoing growth or motivated you to take action in other areas of your life.

    For example, if you studied abroad in a volunteer-based program, you might have gained new language skills and a deeper appreciation for giving back. When you returned home, this experience inspired you to get involved with a local organization, using those language skills to help connect with community members.

    There are countless benefits to a summer experience, but reflecting on why you found it meaningful is key to communicating its significance. No matter what your program entailed, remember: the true value lies not just in what you learned during the program but in how this knowledge continues shaping who you are and how you contribute to the world long after the summer program has ended.

    Want more tips and insights? Check out our full Guide to Summer Programs here.

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    Stefanie Tedards

    Stefanie Tedards

    Stefanie Tedards is a freelance writer and Senior Copy Editor at CollegeAdvisor.com. Since graduating from Northwestern University with a degree in Communications, she has worked in advertising, video production, and volunteered as a WWOOFer on farms across the world.
