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    6 STEM Scholarships with February Deadlines

    Posted January 28, 2016, 2:00 pm
    Hurry! Check these 10 STEM Scholarships with February Deadlines
    Updated June 2024

    STEM majors (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) are hot college degrees and students who pursue these careers have lots of scholarship help available.

    These are just 10 scholarships with February deadlines specifically for students pursuing those majors:

    Northrop Grumman Engineering Scholars Program

    Amount: $2,500

    The applicant must be a graduating senior of a high school from one of the sponsoring locations available on the website and plan to attend a four-year college or university as a student in an approved computer science, mathematics, or physics program.

    Deadline: February 2024

    Dupont Challenge

    Amount: Up to $5,000

    This scholarship essay competition is open to students enrolled in Grades 6-12 who submit an essay on a given science-related topic.

    Deadline: February 2024

    Better Together Scholarships

    Amount: Up to $20,000

    This scholarship is open to students 16 years of age or older who are high school seniors or graduates and have received their GED certifications or are current undergraduate students. They must also be current PG&E customers and planning to pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math.

    Deadline: February 2024

    Davidson Fellows Scholarships

    The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards $50,000, $25,000, and $10,000 scholarships to extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work. Application categories are science, technology, engineering, mathematics, literature, music, philosophy and “outside the box.”

    Deadline: February 2024

    NLA Foundation Scholarship

    Amount: Varies

    The Nathan L. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Foundation scholarship is for undergraduates studying computer science, aviation, nursing, or music.

    Deadline: February 2024

    Moody’s Mega Math Challenge Scholarship

    Amount: Up to $20,000

    This math scholarship challenge is open to high school juniors and seniors who form teams of three to five students and one teacher from the same school. A specific real-world problem requiring mathematical modeling is posed each year during Challenge weekend.

    Deadline: February 2024

    And One More!

    This page includes links to multiple private scholarship opportunities including:

    • Home Depot Scholarships for Women
    • Berkshire Woodworkers Guild Scholarship
    • Nuts, Bolts & Thingamagjigs Scholarship
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    Tags: STEM