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    Q&A with Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) Entrepreneurial Student

    Posted April 14, 2020, 1:43 pm by TeenLife
    Rebecca Albert - Minneapolis College

    Rebecca Albert

    Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Entrepreneurial Studies

    Why did you choose to pursue entrepreneurial studies here at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD)? I really like the idea of combining business with art. I have both the creative background, but I also think very linearly and when I learned about MCAD’s entrepreneurial studies program I realized that this would be like a really good fit for the way that I think and what I want to go into.

    What do you enjoy most about this program? I enjoy all of the classes that I'm in and the teachers here feel more like friends, in a way, which I love. They are very much on your side. They're looking for new opportunities for you. They're looking to benefit you.

    How has your MCAD experience been so far? I love the campus, I love the people here. It feels like wherever I am I can go to somebody and they will actually care about what I'm doing they'll want to listen. I've just had a really genuinely good experience so far and I'm really happy with it.

    How do you think MCAD will help in what you want to do next? I’ve definitely become more confident with who I am and my practice. MCAD has really shown me how the work I’m doing can be moved into a professional practice and how I can take what I enjoy doing and make a career out of it.

    Where do you imagine yourself in 10 years? I would love to go in the creative director direction, but I also really want to stay focused on UI/ UX design. I'm learning both design and web development so that I can bridge the gap between the creatives and the more analytical thinkers and be able to direct and work with all of the people involved in a project instead of just being siloed to the creative fields.

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