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    Norwich University of the Arts Meets the Challenge of Technology and the Arts

    Posted April 3, 2017, 4:00 pm by Amanda Monfrooe
    At Norwich University of the Arts, students explore technology through new degree programs.

    The creative industries encompass a wider range of profitable professional sectors than ever before. Technological innovation, changing consumer habits and the influence of emerging economies have fuelled expansion and diversification within art, design and media. The result is a global job market welcoming specialists and entrepreneurs from different backgrounds. But, of course, rapid change brings fresh challenges for both graduates and universities providing creative-degree programs.

    As a leading UK university, Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) is up to the challenge!

    NUA is leading graduates into the future.

    For us, change has been an opportunity to launch three bachelor of science degrees. User-Experience Design, Interaction Design and Games Development emerged from changes observed in the digital-design sector.

    Technology-led design solutions devised to influence consumer behaviour are big business. Design is only part of the process, though. Analysis of how design affects the way people view, interact with and share information and media is now just as important. That’s why specialists in creative coding, interface design and user analytics have quickly emerged as sought-after professionals.

    I am excited NUA will now enroll students with academic backgrounds in subjects like psychology, statistics and computer science. They will enrich our community by introducing different perspectives and expanding collaborative opportunities. Introducing these bachelor of science degrees also deepens our commitment to preparing students for life in the creative industries of today and tomorrow.

    That should be one of the most important considerations for high school students selecting a creative degree program: How will your institution help you take your place at the table?

    While aspiring artists and designers should be encouraged by the buoyancy of the job market worldwide, success is never guaranteed. So I’d encourage you to find out the ways your career prospects will be enhanced at your chosen university.

    At NUA, we are committed to your professional future.

    This is one reason people apply to specialist programs in Great Britain – and why they select NUA. Here, students start their journey toward professional practice from day one. They fulfil project briefs the way other students complete assignments. They are marked on creative work and research the way others are graded on exam results. And they work hands-on, not theoretically, employing the same methods and materials used by their industry colleagues. On top of that, our degrees integrate opportunities for professional practice: working with real clients on live projects, entering contests and showcases, exhibiting publically and taking part in start-up business workshops, festivals, symposia and special events.

    And, consider the benefits of study in the UK!

    Studying abroad also nurtures personal qualities that contribute to graduates success. A great deal of independence and maturity comes from living overseas, where you can learn about yourself through the prism of another culture. The British education system is world renowned for quality, so a UK degree is a great way to set yourself apart. The UK is a global hub, guaranteeing exposure to the contemporary discourses shaping your field.

    There are financial benefits too. Standard honours degrees in England are three years in length and students typically complete on time, making UK tuition rates highly competitive. Living in the UK may also be more affordable than you think, particularly in view of current exchange rates and the availability of federal aid at some institutions.

    American students should be confident forging careers in art and design; that why I love traveling there and talking about NUA. Without a doubt, the United States remains a powerhouse in everything from museums and fashion, to games and consumer technology.

    But the world is changing. Other nations are not only gaining market share in some fields, they are overtaking the States. To be competitive in the creative industries, every major economy will rely on skilled specialists. To become that specialist, it’s important to study at a university with an eye on the future.

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    Amanda Monfrooe

    Amanda Monfrooe

    Amanda Monfrooe is the International Marketing and Recruitment Manager at Norwich University of the Arts. She meets prospective students all over the world to discuss how they can turn their passion into a professional career. Originally from the US, Amanda has lived in the UK since completing her graduate studies in 2009.
