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    Student Testimonial: Harvard University Summer Programs

    Posted March 1, 2022, 3:19 pm by TeenLife
    Iva Budina, featured student in testimonial, is pictured next to Harvard Summer School logo

    Iva Budina -Harvard University Summer Programs for High School Students, (Principles of Economics)

    How did you decide which program was right for you?

    The reason I decided to attend a college program for high school students was because I wanted to have a real college experience with top professors and a diverse group of students, including college students. I wanted to explore the field of economics as a potential major in college and further delve into in math, [and] I wanted to take a risk and challenge myself.

    Why did you choose to participate in this program?

    I knew I wanted to participate in the Harvard Secondary School Program from the start. I was enrolled in an intensive college-course in economics. I knew ahead of time that this is a very demanding course, so I was ready to experience some challenges. At the same time, this is a unique opportunity that many high school kids are unable to experience. I wanted to prepare myself for the rigor of college. Moreover, I wanted to use this summer to explore the field of economics and hear first-hand from world-renowned scholars. Within these seven weeks, I convinced myself that I wanted to have a deeper understanding in this field. This moment was very important for me as I decided that I would be studying economics in college. Additionally, I was excited to meet peers who are excited to learn and challenge themselves. I am so grateful to have chosen this program as a high school student.

    What was a typical day in your program?

    Since the pandemic had just started, the program was held online. While I would have preferred to have in-person interactions, I still enjoyed the program and appreciated that Harvard did everything possible to swiftly switch to virtual mode and to allow me to participate. The faculty and staff worked hard to ensure that students would still enjoy their Harvard summer programs online. Although this course was a big time commitment, there was programming throughout the day that allowed for study breaks. Since the time was getting close for my college search, I wanted to ensure I had some time to devote to college applications. For students like me, the Secondary School Program wanted to ensure that they could help us in every way possible, so they hosted information sessions as well as application workshops. On other days, they hosted resume workshops. Every day there was something new to look forward to.

    What was the most memorable moment of your program?

    I will always remember the lecture about behavioral patterns of decision making. We played a game called the ultimatum game, and our professor gave his new book to the winners; I ended up winning so I got his new book, and I was very excited.

    What advice do you have for teens looking at programs?

    Definitely do it. Harvard Summer School is a great way to transition into college. Explore a topic or subject you haven’t had the chance to learn in high school.

    To learn more about amazing opportunities like this check out TeenLife's Guide to Your Future In STEM 

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
