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    Student Testimonial: iBme

    Student Testimonial: iBme

    Posted December 16, 2021, 12:41 pm by TeenLife

    Grace Yaconelli - iBme Teen Retreat

    Describe A Typical Day In Your Summer Program

    I’m sitting in a large, spacious room with a group of peers I’ve just met. The atmosphere is gentle, safe, and real. We are in the midst of a meditation. It takes a few minutes to settle in, but once I do, I feel the tightness in my chest begin to ease. The energy in the room is powerful. The anchor of my breath allows me to dive into my own place of solace, while surrounded by others. This is a feeling I won’t forget.

    What Was The Most Impactful Part of Your Summer Program?

    When I went to my first iBme retreat in 2019, I found it to be a grounding refuge from everyday life. The moment I arrived, I was greeted by a community of authentic and welcoming people; and by the first mindfulness practice, I was hooked. From sitting on a hill and observing all the intricacies of one flower, to practicing yoga in a light-filled room, to a wild and free dance party at night -- I got to interact with the world full-heartedly during that week. At times it was uncomfortable, and even hard. I spent more time meditating than I ever had before, but through that, I learned more about myself and the value of embracing the present moment.

    What Advice Do You Have For Other Teens Looking For Summer Programs?

    For anyone who is looking to deepen their mindfulness, to grow as an individual, to foster meaningful connections, and to open up to an introspective, vulnerable, and uniquely impactful experience, I would highly recommend an iBme retreat.

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
