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    Student Testimonial: Teach Me Wall Street

    Posted October 13, 2022, 1:00 pm by TeenLife

    Kennedy Kirklin - Teach Me Wall Street

    Why Did You Choose to Participate In This Program?

    When my school started talking about investing I found it fascinating. I wanted to get more insight into how stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrencies work. When I found Teach Me Wall Street, I knew it was the right one for me. By participating in this program, I knew I would gain a better understanding into how I can make my money work for me allowing me to achieve financial freedom.

    What Did You Learn In This Summer Program?

    Generally speaking, I was given a thorough explanation of the financial industry: banking, investing, economics, etc. Of particular significance, I learned how and why budgeting my money is important. The class had students from many states, as well a few international students. I learned how much prices and taxes vary across the country.

    I also learned how investing is used to create and grow wealth. Additionally, I learned about how each investment strategy has different risks and steps. I'm glad I got the opportunity to participate in this program because now I know more than my parents!!

    What Advice Do You Have For Teens Looking For Summer Programs?

    My advice to any teen applying to a summer program is to make choices that align with your interests. This is important because you want to enjoy and connect to the content. Secondly, the program should prepare you for the future.

    Every week was a different class. The class schedule was flexible. Class was presented twice a day and I could easily change when my schedule changed.


    "This is an ever-changing world that we live in, so attaining the knowledge and skills that will help you out in the future will be beneficial."


    This is an ever-changing world that we live in, so attaining the knowledge and skills that will help you out in the future will be beneficial. And lastly, be sure to make the most of your experience! Ask questions. Do the extra research. And show resilience.

    What Was the Most Memorable Moment of Your Program?

    Despite the fact that we were virtual, the instructor found ways to keep the class engaged throughout the course. One of the more memorable parts of this program was completing the hands-on activities. The instructor would show the class a demonstration live, allowing time for questions. After the demonstration we were then asked to complete a similar assignment. For example, if we were working on finding stock tickers, she would show us how to do this kind of research. Then she would have us find the ticker of a different company.

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
