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    Wagner College Pre-College Program: Grace Twaddell

    Posted January 2, 2018, 11:00 am by TeenLife
    Wagner College Pre-College Program: Grace Twaddell

    Grace Twaddell spent part of her summer in the Wagner College Pre-College Program and now attends Wagner.

    Why did you choose to participate in a summer program or go to overnight camp?

    When I signed up for the Pre-College course, I was simply looking for a way to spend my summer.

    How did you decide which program or camp was right for you?

    I planned to take a class for my EMT-B certification when the summer was over, so the Wagner College Simulated Medicine program seemed to be the perfect way to jumpstart learning what I’d need to know.

    What was a typical day in your summer program or at camp?

    For three weeks I took classes with the college’s professors and learned exactly what would be expected of me in the coming years. In my off time, I walked the campus, explored the classrooms and ate in the cafeteria. I lived in a real dorm with my roommate, Nicole. We got a real sense of life there. On weekends, we learned how to use the shuttles to the Staten Island Ferry (a Wagner student essential). We took field trips where we learned how to map the subway system. Through experience, I figured out that Wagner had the kind of campus I was looking for, even if that wasn’t what I was originally set out to do.

    What was the most memorable moment of your summer?

    When I left Wagner last summer, I didn’t know that I would be returning in the fall. But whenever I thought about college, I kept picturing myself there. The best part? I’m rooming with Nicole again, just like last summer.

    What advice do you have for teens looking at summer programs or camps?

    Just go for it. Programs like this will give you a secret advantage over other college students.

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
