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    Worried About a Major? You’ve Got Time

    Posted February 10, 2016, 2:00 pm by Lauren Walters
    Worried About a Major? You’ve Got Time

    During the fall semester of my junior year at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, N.Y., I became very sick with the H1N1 virus. I was an accounting major at the time. But after I got very low grades on my accounting exams, my academic advisor asked me, "Are you sure you want to do this?" At the time, getting healthy was my main priority. So, I made the final decision to drop accounting and switch my major to psychology.

    Was it a far stretch?

    I have a very analytic mindset. You need a very analytical mindset to be an accounting major. However, you also need a very analytical mind to be in the field of psychology. I also was feeling depressed and overwhelmed. The only courses I could relate to in the course catalogue were psychology courses. And I had been told by my family and friends that I offered good advice.

    Why do I love the field?

    People with mental illness are constantly labeled and judged because of their illness. But I want my clients to know that I am not going to judge them but listen to them. I am interested to hear people's stories and help them. I consider this one of my strengths.

    Where am I now?

    After graduating from Le Moyne in 2011, I went to Nyack College in Nyack, N.Y., to pursue my masters in mental health counseling. I am currently scheduled to graduate in May 2016. I am interning on a psychiatric unit at a New York Hospital. I have learned so much from interning at this hospital. It is a tough internship but it is rewarding at the same time. I am confident I am in the right field.

    Find your calling

    If you are a high school student who is currently deciding on a future path, do not be discouraged. Whether or not the field of mental health is the right field for you, you will find your calling. It just takes time.

    [Looking for more info from the TeenLife experts? Here's how to pick a college minor, and why its important.]

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    Lauren Walters

    Lauren Walters

    Lauren Walters is currently in graduate school for mental health counseling. She has a BA in Psychology and a minor in Business Administration. She loves to inspire others through her writing.
