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    Consultant Spotlight: Johnny Baltierra

    Posted by TeenLife

    Johnny Baltierra is an Educational Consultant and president of Bridge2College.

    What Types of Students Do You Serve?

    Underrepresented exemplary 9th-12th grade students from the Central Valley of California.

    What Types of Experiences Do You Think They Need to Succeed in College and Life Beyond School?

    We provide monthly leadership workshops on college readiness, college tours, and scholarships for underrepresented exemplary students. The students need experiences such as college knowledge workshops, and college tours to connect with admission representatives, professors, and students at various colleges, and financial aid support such as scholarships, and resources to help them with tuition for college. They also need workshops and information on financial literacy, mental health, social-emotional support, resources, college & career exploration, and information for support and success.

    How Do You Use TeenLife's Resources? Describe How You Share Them With Parents and Students.

    We use TeenLife in our leadership workshops to inform them of the resources, information, and support that are available for students and parents.

    What Advice Do You Have for Program Marketers?

    I would invite them to connect with the leaders of nonprofit and for-profit organizations to ascertain their mission, vision, goals, and data that make them successful in impacting the lives of the students and families they serve.
    I would challenge them to collaborate with the leaders to support their cause and strengthen the community by empowering the students and parents. I would encourage them to communicate with the leaders and their students by asking them to share their failures and successes so they could better support them with their passion to impact their lives and the lives of their families.


    Want to learn more about how counselors like Johnny use TeenLife’s resources? Contact us, we are happy to answer your questions.

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
