
    Attend our FREE Summer Programs Virtual Fair on April 10!

    Consultant Spotlight: Laurie Kopp Weingarten

    Posted by TeenLife

    Laurie Kopp Weingarten is an Educational Consultant and president of One-Stop College Counseling.

    What Types of Students Do You Serve?

    Although we work with all students throughout the U.S. and internationally, our specialty is with high-achieving teens aiming for selective and highly-selective colleges.

    What Types of Experiences Do You Think They Need to Succeed in College and Life Beyond School?

    Students should aim to be organized, go-getters, who can advocate for themselves. If they can master those three qualities, and manage their time efficiently, they're well on their way to success!

    There are no "wrong" experiences, but students should pursue activities in the summer that truly interest them. Happy students are more engaged, and their passion can shine through! Students can choose to participate in a program, conduct research with a professor, volunteer, get a paid job, explore a hobby, or devise their own unique summer plan—they should do what excites them.

    How Do You Use TeenLife's Resources? Describe How You Share Them With Parents and Students.

    I share the guides, and when I see an interesting program, I send the information to my students.

    What Advice Do You Have for Program Marketers?

    Marketers should provide as much detail as possible. Obviously, the dates and fees should be easily found, but they should also reveal the age requirement, the application deadline, the decision release date, the reply deadline, and the acceptance rate of the program.

    Visit Laurie's TeenLife listing here.

    Want to learn more about how counselors like Laurie use TeenLife’s resources? Contact us, we are happy to answer your questions.

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