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    TeenLife Adds Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services

    Posted by TeenLife


    We are pleased to announce that we can now offer a full suite of regional and national advertising services. We have partnered with a comprehensive digital agency which, together with TeenLife's proprietary audience and marketing products, can meet 100% of your marketing needs.

    These services include:

    Programmatic Display Ads - Programmatic Display Ads on relevant websites will boost any boost your ability to get your message in front of your target market, any place at any time.

    GeoFencing: Microproximity - Target people on their mobile devices based on where they are in real-time. For example, you can target people entering specific high schools.

    Email Marketing - Securely deliver your message to specific consumers using hundreds of targeting options via a dedicated email blast. Unlike display advertising, you can email the same audience multiple times.

    Native Advertising - Seamlessly integrate your most engaging images and content into contextually relevant editorial using a single creative that dynamically adapts to match font and format.

    Facebook & Instagram Advertising - Leverage the power of two billion monthly Facebook users and 500 million daily Instagram users with some of the most precise audience targeting
    available today.

    Organic SEO - Organic SEO results are the cornerstone of maximizing your online referral traffic from search engines. Over two-thirds of search-related clicks come from Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

    Betterchat - Set up a chat widget to automatically respond to templated questions. Never miss another customer's text, chat, review, or Facebook message.

    Now we can help you to build brand awareness, get more traffic, and source leads from any audience in the United States! Contact sales@teenlife.com to set up a meeting where we can discuss your needs.


    Watch the recording of this webinar which explains these services:

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    For more information on this and other great programs for high school students, go to www.teenlife.com.
