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    Maharishi International University

    Maharishi International University


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Art and Design, Business and Entrepreneurship, Communications, Computer and Information Sciences, Education, Environmental Sciences, Languages and Literature, Physical Science, Recreation and Fitness, Liberal Arts
    • Type: Private, Nonprofit
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year
    • Campus Setting: Small Town
    • Testing Requirements: Test Optional
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $16,530
    • Delivery: Day, Residential, Online
    • Religious Affiliation: None
    • CEEB: 4497
    • IPED: 153861
    • Location:Fairfield, Iowa
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    Since 1971, Maharishi International University has pioneered a new approach to education called Consciousness-Based education. This approach adds the expansion of consciousness to its accredited degree programs, thereby fulfilling the long-sought goal of education to produce fully developed individuals.

    Inside-Out Approach to Career Education

    Our approach to career education starts with building a foundation of inner peace and self-awareness which students bring into their college experience, their lives, and their chosen field.

    Degree Programs

    Maharishi International University offers a full range of accredited academic programs, including Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees:

    MIU Bachelor's Degrees include: Art (BA, BFA), Art with concentration in Creative Musical Art, Business Administration, Computer Science, Educational Foundations, Education: Secondary, English Literature, English: Creative Writing, Maharishi Vedic Science, Mathematics, Media and Communications, Physiology and Health, and Sustainable Living.

    MIU Minors include: Art, Business Administration, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Educational Foundations, Government, Maharishi Vedic Science, Mathematics, Media & Communications, Physics, Physiology and Health, Sustainable Living, and World Peace.

    MIU Master’s degrees include: Business Administration, MBA for Accounting Professionals, Maharishi Vedic Science, Computer Science, Education Innovation, Secondary Education, and Filmmaking. MUM now also offers three online master’s programs: MBA, Masters in Maharishi Vedic Science, and Masters in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. These online programs offer a flexible schedule to fit into the busy lives of students in the US and abroad.

    MIU Ph.D. programs include: Maharishi Vedic Science, Management, and Physiology. 

    Academic Life at Maharishi International University

    Real-world education: Our students enjoy rich, immersive, interactive, project-oriented, and real-world educational experiences. MIU students engage in experiential learning through practical projects which they then report on systematically to their professors and classmates. Many degree programs include opportunities for practicums, and some even offer months of “real work for real pay.” For example, in some Web Design classes, employers come and pitch their projects; then the students choose which project to work on and negotiate their fee.

    One course at a time: At Maharishi International University students immerse themselves in one course at a time for four weeks. No juggling 4–5 courses, no 4–5 finals at a time — no burnout. 

    Development of consciousness: Twice a day, MIU students dive into their inner reservoir of intelligence and creativity to know themselves – their deepest Self – through the Transcendental Meditation technique and its advanced programs. The results are more peace, more stability, and more integrated brain functioning, as scientific studies have shown. These simple, powerful techniques have their origin in the ancient Vedic tradition, the world’s oldest continuous tradition of knowledge, and were brought to light for the modern age by our founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

    Rotating University and/or International Projects: MUM creates opportunities for students to travel to other countries to study or contribute. For example, Dr.Thimmaiah, of the Sustainable Living Department, was invited by AgriBio, an association of over 1,000 farmers who practice Biodynamic Agriculture in Cissone, Italy, to give a 2-day workshop. Now Dr. Thimmaiah is setting up an agreement with AgriBio for MUM students to do fieldwork there in a special certification program in 2017.   

    Some of Our Academic Programs

    Media and Communications – Study graphic design, web design, filmmaking, writing, music, and photography – while developing your creativity from within. Students who complete this program have the necessary knowledge and experience to enter professional positions with the media. (Bachelor’s, David Lynch MA in film)

    Sustainable Living – Acquire the knowledge, hands-on skills, and confidence you need to help design, build, and maintain sustainable communities. Our program, established in 2003, was the first degree program in Sustainable Living in the country, and is currently ranked 4th in the top 50, according to EnvironmentalScience.org’s first annual ranking. This program integrates sustainability—environmental, economic, and socially responsible practices—with a traditional collegiate education. (BA and MA) 

    Physiology and Health – This pre-integrative medicine track prepares you for a career in naturopathic medicine, allopathic medicine, or allied health professions. You become an expert in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness through the study of Maharishi AyurVeda, an ancient holistic system of medicine. Students can take up to four months of practicum. (BA, MA and Online Master’s)

    Business – Become a leader in business with the consciousness, knowledge, and practical skills to create sustainable, value-producing, life-supporting benefits for yourself, your stakeholders, and the natural environment. Our BA program is one of top 50 “Best Value” business programs at small US colleges. (Bachelor’s, MBA, and PhD)

    MBA for Accounting Professionals – After eight months of full-time, on-campus studies, students begin their search to fulfill the practical training requirement. University counselors are available at every step.

    Computer Science – Prepare for a successful career in computer technology and information systems. At the Master’s level, students study for 8 months and then work with an established company for two years, paying for their education as they go.

    Maharishi Vedic Science – Explore the nature of your infinite Self, that level of pure awareness that is also the source of the intelligence and creativity of the universe. Learn how to apply this knowledge to enrich all fields of life. (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D.) 

    English – Major in either English literature or creative writing. Far from being an "ivory tower" degree, writing skills prepare tudents for a variety of professions, including writing for websites and film. (Bachelor’s)

    Mathematics – Acquire quantitative skills, problem-solving ability, and clarity of thinking that provide the basis for success and leadership in many careers. (Bachelor’s)

    Quality of Life

    Our students come from more than 80 countries around the world and represent many cultures. Yet everyone lives and works together with the attitude that “the world is my family.” Our cafeteria serves organic food exclusively. We have a fully equipped recreation center, and many opportunities for games, sports, and hiking on the Fairfield 17-mile Loop Trail. In addition, we are fully committed to principles of sustainability and are one of the “greenest” universities in the U.S.  

    Fairfield Community

    The MIU campus, which has about 800 students, is within walking distance to the town square, shops, and restaurants

    Fairfield, Iowa has 10,000 residents, most of whom were born and raised in Iowa, while the remaining 3,000 arrived from around the globe to form a community of people all practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. 

    Fairfield has received many state and national awards that acknowledge its unique character: In 2011 we were visited by Oprah Winfrey and featured on her OWN Network. We’ve been voted one of Iowa’s Great Places, and “Iowa’s Most Entrepreneurial Community in America (10,000 population and under)" by the National Association of Small Communities. Most recently we were named an Iowa Blue Zones demonstration site.

    Visitors Weekends

    We invite you and your parents to come to one of our Visitors Weekends. These popular weekends are perfect for learning about the university, meeting our students and faculty, and touring the campus. 

    More Information Online

    Please see our website at www.miu.edu for more details about programs, faculty, and daily life, as well as many photos, student testimonials, and blogs about events, awards, and alumni.