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    Bushnell University


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Business and Entrepreneurship, Communications, Education, Health Care, Psychology and Counseling, Recreation and Fitness, Liberal Arts
    • Type: Private, Nonprofit
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year + Graduate
    • Campus Setting: Urban
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT, Test Optional
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $34,500
    • Out of State Tuition: $34,500
    • Delivery: Day, Residential, Online
    • Affiliation: The Common App, Air Force ROTC
    • Religious Affiliation: Other
    • CEEB: 4543
    • IPED: 209409
    • Location:Eugene, Oregon
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    Bushnell University transforms lives. Devoted to offering a Christ-centered environment since its founding, Bushnell University encourages students to pursue wisdom, nurture faith, and champion service. Here, students answer God’s call in their lives and prepare to make a positive difference through career, family, church, and community.

    Bushnell University fosters wisdom, faith, and service through excellent academic programs within a Christ-centered community.

    Bushnell University aspires to be characterized by its commitment to equip students to discover and answer God’s call in their lives.

    Bushnell University achieves this vision through academic excellence and faithful stewardship in a Christ-centered community that develops purposeful graduates.

    Core Themes
    Manifest Excellence in Christian Higher Education
    Bushnell University takes seriously its history and calling to deliver excellent academic programs within a distinctively Christian learning environment. Faculty and students engage in research and academic dialogue from a faith-based perspective and with a confessional commitment to the authority of the Bible as Holy Scripture.

    Exercise Faithful Stewardship
    With the conviction that all the resources we have at our disposal (financial, physical plant, faculty, staff, students, community partners, etc.) are gifts from God, we seek to utilize these resources in such a way that demonstrates respect for the resources themselves and that brings honor to the One who has entrusted them to us. Faithful stewardship ensures appropriate resources and capacity for educational and institutional effectiveness.

    Foster Life-Transformation in a Christ-Centered Community
    Bushnell University is committed to a holistic approach to education and life-long learning that engages not only the mind of the learner, but every aspect of life – body, spirit, and heart. Bushnell University fosters life-transformation through co-curricular learning, campus ministries, student development programs, service activities, and community experiences, including programs designed for non-traditional and adult students, as well as traditional undergraduate students.

    Develop Purposeful Graduates
    Developing purposeful graduates is the culmination of all aspects of a Bushnell University education and experience. Purposeful graduates apply skills and knowledge into practice as productive and contributing members of their respective families, churches, communities, and places of work.