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    Eastern Wyoming College: Department of Art


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Art and Design
    • Type: Public
    • Degrees Awarded: 2 Year
    • Campus Setting: Small Town
    • Testing Requirements: Test Optional
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $4,290
    • Out of State Tuition: $10,590
    • Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Religious Affiliation: None
    • CEEB: 4700
    • IPED: 240596
    • Location:Torrington, Wyoming
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    The EWC Art Department offers a wide variety of courses of study in the visual arts, providing experiences and credit applicable to both professional aspirations and personal enrichment. The foundation experience that students acquire at EWC serves as a strong basis for a variety of careers in art.

    The Eastern Wyoming College Art Department offers a wide variety of courses of study in the visual arts, providing experiences and credit applicable to both professional aspirations and personal enrichment. The Associate of Arts degree is awarded, and meets the requirements for the first two years of study in the visual arts at many regional and national colleges and universities. The foundation experience that you will acquire at EWC is essential for a variety of careers in art including commercial design and illustration, fine arts, design for the performing arts, education, and arts administration; however, students who are declared art majors and who wish to forge a professional career in the visual arts should expect to transfer to a four-year institution to earn the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or another appropriate degree tailored to specific career aspirations. This is a vital step in the development of any professional artist. The spacious EWC Fine Arts wing is the home of a large, well-lit studio equipped for a variety of studio practices, including painting and drawing, design, ceramics, and sculpture. Art history, Photoshop, and digital photography are also offered in classrooms and computer labs in the Tebbet Building. EWC has an active Art Club which sponsors annual Spring trips to Denver to visit museums and galleries. The Club also participates in a variety of community service projects.