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    Emerson College: School of the Arts

    Emerson College: School of the Arts


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Art and Design, Liberal Arts
    • Type: Private, Nonprofit
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year + Graduate
    • Campus Setting: Urban
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT, Test Optional
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Other, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $54,400
    • Out of State Tuition: $54,400
    • Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Affiliation: The Common App
    • Religious Affiliation: None
    • CEEB: 3367
    • IPED: 165662
    • Location:Boston, Massachusetts
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    The School of the Arts at Emerson College is a community of artists, professionals, and scholars committed to educating students to bring vision, commitment, sophistication, and courage to their crafts. We believe a strong liberal arts education is fundamental to accomplishing this goal.

    By training students in theory, practice, and the intellectual and artistic traditions that inform both, the School's departments help their students become thinkers, makers, and citizens of a complex world. Our internationally recognized faculty members give their students a sense of ownership of their education.

    Our students learn to accept stylistic and ethical responsibility for their work, and to place their work in the context of diverse intellectual and cultural traditions. As they embrace that responsibility, and envision their own work evolving in such contexts, students gain the confidence to speak with the authority of the master artists, professionals, and scholars they aspire to be.