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    Lincoln Land Community College


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Agriculture, Business and Entrepreneurship, Communications, Health Care, Protective Services, Liberal Arts, STEM
    • Type: Community
    • Degrees Awarded: 2 Year
    • Campus Setting: Urban
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT, Required
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $4,110
    • Out of State Tuition: $12,330
    • Delivery: Day, Online
    • Religious Affiliation: None
    • CEEB: 1428
    • IPED: 146685
    • Location:Springfield, Illinois
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    The Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) district comprises all or parts of 15 counties in central Illinois and covers 4,115 square miles. LLCC o_ers 36 transfer associate degree programs, 33 career/technical associate degree programs, and 63 certificate programs.

    Start at LLCC and transfer almost anywhere, or enter directly into the workforce. Earning a two-year associate degree at LLCC allows you to transfer to a university or college as a junior, and earn the same diploma from that institution as someone who started there as a freshman. You will save thousands of dollars in tuition, fees and room/board costs by earning a transfer degree at LLCC. Choose from more than 75 associate degree programs and more than 70 certificate programs in the areas of Arts and Humanities (ARHM), Business and Technologies (BSTC), Health Professions (HLPR), Mathematics and Sciences (MTSC), and Social Sciences (SOSC).

    LLCC offers several career training options through credit degree programs or industry certifications in the areas of Business & Technologies, Health Professions and Truck Driver Training. Additional training opportunities includethe Capital City Training Center where there are training programs in business, dental assistant, massage therapy, personal trainer, pharmacy tech, phlebotomy, veterinary assistant, as well as health care continuing education and computer training courses; Workforce Development Programs, designated as HireEducation, to provide programs in highway construction, transportation distribution logistics, certified production technician, building performance institute, building operator; renewable energy academy; value-added local food program; short term training opportunities; and customized training; the Small Business Development Center giving guidance for starting and running a small business; the Green Center providing Professional training, community workshops and degree programs in green industries and Adult Education & Literacy programs.