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    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Health Care, Liberal Arts, STEM
    • Type: Private, Nonprofit
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year + Graduate
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $31,600
    • Delivery: Residential
    • Affiliation: The Common App
    • IPED: 166656
    • Location:Boston, Massachusetts
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    MCPHS is a healthcare-focused university with a full spectrum of healthcare programs. As a teaching institution, we are passionate about our students, and they are equally passionate about advancing into careers in a vital industry.

    Our students have access to the most sought-after internships, clinical placements and research opportunities right in our own backyard. From the leading hospitals in western Massachusetts and New Hampshire, to Boston’s world-class Longwood Medical and Academic Area, our students gain valuable, real-world experience in institutions, including the #1 pediatric hospital in the country and New England’s most comprehensive cancer treatment center, to name a few.

    Unlike research institutions, our faculty does one thing: teach. Our distinguished full-time faculty are fellows of national academies, as well as colleges and past presidents of national professional associations. They are editors of medical journals, investigators on federally funded research projects, and business leaders. Above all, they are mentors to our students, highly available and supportive.

    It’s no coincidence that MCPHS is located in Boston, Worcester and Manchester. These locations give our students access to some of the most prestigious healthcare institutions in New England. Plus, our campuses are humming with student activity. With extracurricular and collaborate opportunities ready for the taking, our students can make the most of their university experience.

    With a full range of healthcare programs, MCPHS offers students various ways to attain their career goals, and we help you find the right one. Every student is assigned a MAC team of Mentors, Advisers and Coaches for personalized guidance and support, so you graduate on time. And because we don’t over-enroll, your classmates collaborate instead of compete.

    Mentors: Faculty Mentors assist students with broad curriculum and career exploration, graduate and continuing education, an understanding of professionalism, and general advice in their field.

    Advisors: Academic Advisors assist students with the academic challenges and transitions they encounter on their way to becoming health care professionals, including helping with registration.

    Coaches: MCPHS Student Success Coaches provide personalized performance-enhancing guidance to help students set academic goals, manage their time more effectively and make the most of campus resources.