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    Slam Academy


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Music
    • Type: Professional/Trade
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • Delivery: Day, Online
    • Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
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    Slam Academy is devoted to creating a non-competitive, experiential learning environment to anyone who seeks it. We believe that each of our students has something valuable to say, and our ultimate goal is to empower them with the ability to release it through music.

    When it comes to electronic music education in the Twin Cities, there are two options: 1. YouTube, and 2. College Programs. While we at Slam Academy are big fans of college education, there seemed to be a gap in options. On the one hand was a free and completely unsupervised, non-reactive medium (YouTube), and on the other a highly focused (and fairly expensive) college education. In our opinion, there should be something in between. Something that gives the student one-on-one, personal education at an affordable price. Since the start of each electronic art form – music, video, digital image-making, software development – participation has been reserved for those who can afford the technology. In the last few years, technology has become more and more inexpensive and accessible. Anyone can make great work – all you really need is a computer. If you have a computer, we can show you how to make art on it.