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    Tougaloo College


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Biological Sciences, Communications, Computer and Information Sciences, Health Care, Psychology and Counseling, Liberal Arts, STEM
    • Type: Private, Nonprofit
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year, 4 Year + Graduate
    • Campus Setting: Small Town
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT, Test Optional
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Payment Terms, Work Study
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $11,398
    • Out of State Tuition: $11,398
    • Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Affiliation: Army ROTC, Air Force ROTC, Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)
    • Religious Affiliation: Other
    • CEEB: 1807
    • IPED: 176406
    • Location:Tougaloo, Mississippi
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    Tougaloo College is an enduring and nurturing community that values life long learning. We prepare our students to produce the "next new idea" and to become the servant-leaders that will effect order and change in a global society by incorporating new knowledge into our teaching and research.

    Tougaloo College is a private, historically black, liberal arts institution, accessible to all persons regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion or creed. The College prepares students to be imaginative, self-directed, lifelong learners and mindful thinkers, committed to leadership and services in a global society by offering a high quality liberal studies program.

    Founded in 1869 by the American Missionary Association, Tougaloo College was chartered on the principles that it "be accessible to all irrespective of their religious tenets, and conducted on the most liberal principles for the benefit of our citizens in general."

    Tougaloo acknowledges and respects its traditions, remains dedicated to the equality of all people, and continues to be a value-oriented community where students are guided by a concerned faculty and staff.

    The members of this community apply current knowledge to prepare students for lifelong learning related to new information and emerging technologies, as well as humane standards in a global society.

    Tougaloo offers an undergraduate curriculum designed to encourage students to apply critical thought to all areas of life, to acquire a basic knowledge of the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences, to develop skills required in selected professions; and to provide leadership in a democratic society and in a changing world.