School Year Enrichment

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    Club Athena

    Club Athena


    • Listing Type: School Year Enrichment
    • Entering Grade: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Program Delivery: Online
    • Session Start: June, July, August, September, October, November, December
    • Session Length: One Week, Two Weeks, Four Weeks, Academic Year, Other, Three Weeks
    • Category: STEM
    • Sub-Categories: Business, Economics, Finance, Communications, Design, Robotics, Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Sports Broadcasting, Internships, Leadership, Engineering, Aerospace, Mentoring, Work Experience, Arts, Career Exploration, Photography, Stress Reduction, Meditation, Painting & Drawing, Automotive, Podcasting
    • Minimum Cost: < $500
    • Last Updated:July 2024
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    Our STEM courses are riveting, out-of-this-world experiences!

    Athena Racing provides specialized, online programs for girls that expand their knowledge of engineering, design and innovation in the automotive industries. Athena Racing provides maximum exposure to all transportation fields in an interactive, inquiry-based environment that hones students’ analytical and critical thinking skills naturally.

    Athena Racing provides specialized, online STEM programs for girls that expand their knowledge of engineering, design and innovation in the automotive and transportation industries. Athena Racing provides maximum exposure to all transportation fields in an interactive, inquiry-based environment that hones students’ analytical and critical thinking skills naturally.



    Who are Athenians? What is Athena Racing? 

    We teach essential life skills and career development with interactive and creative methods to stimulate curiosity and expose STEM career opportunities….. using a racecar.   

    Athena Racing is an award-winning STEM education extra-curricular club for girls in grades 6-12 who are interested in discovering career paths in engineering, design, mechanics, fabrication and  business in the automotive and transportation industries. This is a girls-only program that provides a safe space for young girls to be surrounded by like-minded, STEM-loving female students.   

    The online program provides specialized training in workshops and camps that expands the knowledge base taught in school. Engineering, design, and innovation are at the heart of our program. Athena Racing provides maximum exposure to all transportation fields in an interactive, inquiry-based environment that hones students' analytical and critical thinking skills naturally.  

    Our Athenians, girls in middle school and high school, are at the pivotal age of breaking the bias and following their knowledge quest that is filled with curiosity of subjects unknown to them.