After-School Enrichment

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    TYE Boston Summer Entrepreneurship Boot Camp


    • Listing Type: After-School Enrichment
    • Entering Grade: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Program Delivery: Day
    • Session Start: October
    • Session Length: One Week, Academic Year
    • Category: Business/Entrepreneurship
    • Minimum Cost: $500 - $999
    • Gender: Coed
    • Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts
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    Do you know a rising 7th-9th grader who dreams of starting their own business one day? Register them today for TYE Boston’s Summer Entrepreneurship Boot Camp and provide them with the tools they will need to turn their dreams into a reality. The program runs from August 8th to August 12th from 10 AM-3 PM. To learn more and to register your student, visit www.tye-boston.org/program-details.  

    TYE - Boston offers the chance for students to:

    • Build a start-up team
    • Participate in a rigorous business curriculum
    • Develop confidence/leadership skills
    • Learn from startup founders and industry leaders
    • Collaborate with other students passionate about STEM
    • Participate in workshops centered around professional development/networking
    • Compete for $9k in seed funding

    TYE offers two exceptional programs. The TYE Boston Summer Entrepreneurship Boot Camp is open to rising 7th-9th graders and the TYE Entreprneuership Academy is open to 9th-12th graders.  Check out our website to learn more about dates/sessions and costs.