Gap Year Programs

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    Earth Craft Gap Semester


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: United States
    • Credit Awarded: None
    • Program Length: Semester
    • Start Month: September
    • Category: Self-Discovery
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Other
    • Affiliation: Gap Year Association
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Minimum Cost: $5,000 - $9,999
    • Last Updated:June 2024
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    Earthcraft Gap Semester is an holistic land-based personal & community development program for young adults (18 - 26) in the SW Vermont mountains.  A unique opportunity to experience life close to the earth, to learn and grow in an intimate community of peers, to discover what truly lights our fires and to receive support in bringing passions to life.

    We gather in the forest to immerse ourselves in intentional living — an experiment in ecological community, where everyone belongs, contributes, and is supported in inclusive, loving, healthy ways.

    Our days will be spent embedded in the wildlands of Spirit Hollow, learning and wandering, building and crafting, planting and tending, wholing and healing, and most of all discovering what lights our deepest fire.

    Your shared living space is just down the road at Pompanuck Farm, where, as a cooperative, you will plan, shop and cook meals together, and participate in functional and harmonious community living.

    Learning at Earthcraft is grounded in hands-on experience and designed to evolve organically according to student interest.

    We have four areas of focus:

    Individual Unfoldment (Resources for self-knowledge and exploration of life purpose);

    Soul-Centric Community (Hands-on Skills like gardening and carpentry and community building skills);

    The Other-Than-Human World (Relationship with the natural world and  wilderness skills);

    Deep Time (Embracing how we were born for THESE days and widening our lens to include ancestors and future generations).

    Our team of guides collectively has decades of experience in a diverse range of skills that we will adapt to meet you where you are and support you in your unique unfolding.

    Our guide-to-student ratio is no more than 4:1, providing each participant with ongoing individual support during the program. We provide mentoring for up to six months after the program ends.

    *We are a member of the Gap Year Association.

    We are now accepting applications for a maximum of 14 students.

    Not only are we offering reduced tuition for our launch, but we also now have significant scholarship funds to support students who resonate with our program. To celebrate our launch this Fall we are offering this one-of-a-kind program at the hugely discounted tuition.  And WE HAVE SEVEN half-tuition scholarships available for students.

    Time is of the essence!  Our deadline for enrollment is JULY 1.  

    Join us for an intimate and powerful experience that will support and shape your life for years to come.