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    Gapforce: Australia Adventure

    Gapforce: Australia Adventure


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Australia
    • Credit Awarded: None
    • Program Length: Four Weeks, Two Months
    • Start Month: January, April, September
    • Category: Outdoor Adventure
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Dorm, Other, Boat
    • Affiliation: Gap Year Association
    • Financial Aid: Not Available
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $4,999
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    Gapforce's Australia gap year program is an adventure fiilled tour combined with giving back to the environment. 

    During their stay, students will spend the majority of their time on Australia's East Coast. They will begin at Sydney, then venture north to Brisbane through the Byron Bay. Then, they will dedicate two weeks to assisting with an environmental conservation project. After, they will continue their tour in Queensland. Some exciting activities to expect include Jeep rides on Fraser Island, snorkelling along the Great Barrier Reef, and saily on Whitsunday Islands. At the very end of the adventure, students will spend a week exploring Cape Tribulation, where the coral reefs meet the stunning rainforests. This is truly a fantastic opportunity to explore a new continent and give back to the community!