Gap Year Programs

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    GoAbroad – Chile: Semester & Year Abroad Programs


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Category: Academic
    • Selective: No
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    Spend a Semester or Year Program with Chilean peers!

    Upon arriving in Chile, you will meet the Chilean staff in Santiago Airport, and then you will head to Quilpué, capital city of the Marga Marga County, Valparaiso Region, where you will begin your five- day orientation. During orientation, you will participate in a series of workshops focusing on a several themes: culture, language, academics, social norms, and current events. 

    The school day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:45 pm, from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, they usually end at 2:45 pm. Every two periods there is a 10 to 15 recess, but as lunch is considered an important meal in Chile, students are given 45 to 60 minutes after 1:00 pm to have a proper lunch. Our school has a cafeteria where you can eat the meal you bring from home. There is also a kiosk where you can buy fruits.

    Teachers and students have a formal relationship. That does not mean that there is tension in the school; on the contrary, teachers are very supportive and have a warm treatment towards the students. You should respect them as they would respect you.

    Getting to school is easy and accessible. You can get to the school by using public transportation or your host family may take you to school. Public transportation is inexpensive.