Gap Year Programs

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    Project Trust: Volunteer in Latin America


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Chile, Honduras
    • Program Length: Academic Year, Other
    • Start Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
    • Category: Career Exploration
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 17, 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Homestay
    • Financial Aid: Other
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    Project Trust currently has volunteer opportunities for teaching in Chile and Honduras.

    As a Chile Volunteer you will be truly immersed in Chilean life. You’ll spend your days at school and your evenings experiencing family life at your host family home. As a Volunteer in Chile you will live in or close to Santiago de Chile, the capital city. Most of the projects are located in the poorer suburbs and barrios of Santiago. You will be living with a local family in their home, eating meals with them and often spending time with them at weekends. For Chileans, family is hugely important and you will be integrated fully in their customs and life, attending BBQs, birthday parties and football matches. Though you and your partner will have your own room, you will eat your breakfasts and evening ‘Once’ with the family. 

    Your role is to work with the English department as an English Language assistant. You’ll spend your days working in the classroom with different teachers and year group, or helping the department to ensure English is engaged with throughout the school. You may work with small groups of students who are struggling, or take parts of the lesson, lending your native accent to develop English fluency.

    Some of our projects are based in the mountains, hours by dirt track from the nearest city, but with all the amenities you need close at hand. Other projects are coastal, or on the outskirts of larger cities, where at the weekends you may like to walk on the beach or through pretty traditional central squares.

    Volunteers in Honduras live both with host families and in their own apartments. Wherever you are you will be close to a community of teachers or villagers, eager to get to know you and spend time with you. In some of the projects volunteers cook for themselves, but wherever you are, the traditional diet of tortillas, refried beans and cheese is a staple.

    You may be in charge of creating an English curriculum, with creative, engaging lessons or you might be working more with individuals, ensuring you tailor their learning to help them develop.