Gap Year Programs

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    The Leap: Gap Year Programmes

    The Leap: Gap Year Programmes


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Colombia, Costa Rica, Kenya, Peru, Vietnam
    • Credit Awarded: None
    • Program Length: Four Weeks, Five Weeks
    • Start Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November
    • Category: Travel/Cultural Immersion
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 18, 19
    • Housing: Hotel, Other
    • Accreditation: Gap Year Association - Program
    • Affiliation: Gap Year Association
    • Financial Aid: Not Available
    • Minimum Cost: $1,000 - $2,999
    • Meeting: Schedule a Meeting
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    Leap programmes are team-based and combine a unique mix of multiple locations and project opportunities within one experience, with a broad focus on global warming, climate change, conservation, community, and language skills. Our in-country guides are on hand to take care of all the logistics so you hit the ground running - contributing and exploring from the moment you arrive. Average team size is about 15 and we help co-ordinate your flights so you all travel together. 

    Finding the right gap year travel experience for you is key to what we do, so we spend time to understand your aspirations, fears and dreams to best match your expectations and provide you with a fulfilling journey on every level.

    FYI: We can now help both the team and the independent traveller through our team programmes, backpacker advice hub, or a combination of both. What we are currently experiencing is that many Leapers choose to start their gap year journey with a Leap programme which enables them to hit the ground running, travel off the backpacker trail and contribute to planet-protecting places. After this, the backpacker advice hub membership will support an independent travel phase through gap year planning consultations, backpacker itineraries and 24/7 emergency back-up - providing two different yet complimentary experiences.

    Never has gap year planning, travelling, and volunteering been so easy, so get in touch with the gap year experts.