Gap Year Programs

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    UNC Global Gap Year Fellowship


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: United States
    • Program Length: Academic Year
    • Start Month: August, September
    • Category: Community Service
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 17, 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Dorm, Homestay, Other, Student Apartment
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Minimum Cost: $5,000 - $9,999
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    The Global Gap Year Fellowship offered at UNC-Chapel Hill is the only college-sponsored gap year program that allows students to design their own gap-year experience. 

    The Fellowship is a highly selective award given to seven high school graduates who have been admitted to UNC as part of the university’s Early Action deadline.  Once admitted, students must submit a separate application for the Fellowship that describes their goals for completing their international year of service. The nine-month Fellowship provides up to $7,500 to each student, and may be complemented by other funding that the Fellow secures.

    The Global Gap Year Fellowship seeks diverse applicants who are highly intelligent, curious about the world, and committed to public service, and global citizenship. We strongly encourage individuals to apply who would not otherwise have the means to take a Gap Year.

    Applications for the Global Gap Year Fellowship are due shortly after Early Action decisions are announced from UNC-Chapel Hill Undergraduate Admissions office.

    Fellows are encouraged to create their service-based gap years with the full support and guidance of our staff and faculty.

    The ideal Global Gap Year Fellow is a student who is highly intelligent, independent, and motivated to spend time serving and learning about others. We welcome applications from admitted students with diverse backgrounds, especially under-represented students, first-generation college students or those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Global Gap Year Fellows are committed to integrating their experience into the Carolina community once they enroll.