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    Alexander Muss High School in Israel

    Alexander Muss High School in Israel


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Religious, Semester
    • Grades Offered: 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: Israel
    • CEEB: 675190
    • Tuition Boarding: $47,900
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Payment Terms
    • Location:Israel
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    Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) is a pluralistic, college-prep, international study abroad program for high school students where the land of Israel is a living classroom.

    Alexander Muss High School in Israel is a pluralistic, college-prep, international study abroad program for high school students where the land of Israel becomes a living classroom.  Students are taught by AMHSI’s experienced and passionate educators who become the students’ mentors, inspiring them to live outside their books, encounter new ideas and challenge themselves in infinite ways. 

    The central tenet of the AMHSI program is the core curriculum where students study Israel and 4,000 years of Jewish history by visiting the places where history took place.  During academic year sessions, students continue with their general studies courses in intimate classes through a custom-tailored schedule coordinated with their home school.  AMHSI is accredited through the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.  Eligible students from all sessions can also earn up to six college credits through the University of Miami.

    A college campus-like lifestyle offers students independence within a supportive and structured environment, enabling students to gain skills that will help them in college and beyond.  Students also develop leadership skills and strong values through the confidence acquired by grappling with new experiences and opportunities.  AMHSI is a transformational moment in a student's life in which memories and friendships span both time and space.

    For the 23,000 alumni over the past 43 years, the impact of AMHSI is reflected in their ongoing commitment to Israel, to Jewish life and to making our world better.  The AMHSI network spans North America and the world, forming the core of the future generation of Jewish leadership.