Private Schools

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    Alverno Heights Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Religious, Private
    • Grades Offered: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 53378
    • IPED: 69958
    • Application Fee: $150
    • Tuition Day: $9,100
    • Financial Aid: Other, Payment Terms
    • Location:Sierra Madre, California
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    Alverno Heights Academy is a Catholic, private, college preparatory school for young, Lower School (TK-8) students, dedicated to preparing them to function in a society as informed, knowledgeable persons, who have the requisite skills to make and implement mature decisions about complex problems.

    Alverno Heights Academy intends to prepare knowledgeable young students of conscience and conviction to function in their world with the courage to take risks in the pursuit of values, and with the ability to apply untried solutions to problems. We also intend to create an environment in which students can develop the humility and humor needed to learn from their mistakes; in which they can experience the joy that comes from behaving with a spirit of generosity; and in which they can grow in the compassion necessary to live as peace-makers in the global community.