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    Bayes Achievement Center

    Bayes Achievement Center


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day, Residential
    • Type: Special Needs, Therapeutic
    • Grades Offered: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • Enrollment: 75
    • Special Needs Served: Other, Physical Disability, Learning Differences, Therapeutic, Autism Spectrum, Other Developmental Disability
    • Location:Huntsville, Texas
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    Bayes Achievement Center is a state-licensed, nationally-accredited Residential Treatment Center and Day School program serving students with significant behavior problems. We serve students with a variety of exceptionalities including emotional and behavioral disorders, autism, and intellectual disabilities. 

    Over the past 20 years at Bayes Achievement Center we have helped hundreds of students with the most severe behaviors become successful academically and socially not just in our program but back home as well. Bayes Achievement Center (BAC), nestled in the piney woods of Huntsville, TX is a state-licensed and nationally-accredited Residential Treatment Center and Day School program serving boys and girls who struggle with significant behavior problems, ages 6-22. We serve students with a wide range of exceptionalities including emotional and behavioral disorders, autism, and intellectual disabilities. The one characteristic common to all of our students is that the severity of their behaviors has prevented them from being successful in traditional school settings, at home, and in other residential treatment centers.

    At BAC our mission is to help these children and young people who are most in need have the best life possible. To this end, we will accept any student into our program regardless of the severity of his behavior. Once in our program, we are committed to our students; there is no problem behavior that will get them expelled. We believe that children need loving care and treatment regardless of their behavior, and rejecting them from treatment for misbehavior worsens their condition and society’s ultimate burden.

    BAC is a 71-bed program consisting of six student houses which we call our Teaching Homes. In our Teaching Homes, we offer a warm, caring, and comfortable atmosphere that replicates the home environment. There, our students engage in the same activities that they would do at their own homes. They learn chores, prepare snacks and meals, play games, swim, shoot hoops, and spend time in the community. At the teaching homes we also have an Animal Care program where our students spend time caring for goats, minature horses, sheep, and other farm animals. Through interacting with animals our students learn responsibility, gentleness, bonding, and work ethic.  

    BAC also has a beautiful school and administrative campus with 13 classrooms, a gymnsasium, cafeteria, music room, vocational lab, student kitchen, and horticulture center. In the classrooms, for many of our students, their past history of failure in school has led them to believe that misbehaving is the only thing they can do well. By helping them end their negative behavioral cycles while at the same time providing them with top-quality individualized education, our students begin to experience success in school for the first time in their lives. With increased success comes increased self-confidence. A new positive behavioral cycle begins which propels them towards transitioning back home, graduation, vocation, or college.