Private Schools

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    The Davidson Academy of Nevada

    The Davidson Academy of Nevada


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Public, Gifted
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT
    • Enrollment: 172
    • Location:Reno, Nevada
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    The Davidson Academy is a free public school for profoundly gifted middle and high school students. Located on the University of Nevada, Reno campus, students attend middle and high school classes at the Academy, and may access university courses for advanced studies.

    Established in 2006, The Davidson Academy of Nevada is a secondary school serving profoundly gifted students who are prepared to progress through a middle and/or high school curriculum in a rigorous academic setting. Students are grouped by ability, not by age or grade; there are no grade levels at the Academy. In order to be eligible to attend the Academy, all students must meet the following criteria:

    • Earn a score of 99.9% or above on nationally normed intelligence tests and/or nationally normed tests.
    • Exhibit superior intellectual development and academic achievement.
    • Demonstrate motivation, social and emotional maturity, and overall readiness for an accelerated educational environment.

    Academy students develop Personalized Learning Plans to serve as a roadmap for academic and personal goals. These plans guide students through a rigorous core curriculum and help them make elective decisions based on their interests and abilities. High school students engage in a blend of advanced high school, undergraduate, and graduate level courses. The Academy emphasizes breadth and depth rather than teaching to any particular tests. Coursework emphasizes high level thinking skills, critical and creative engagement, along with collaborative discussion with fellow classmates. Classes are small and are designed so students must be active in discussions.

    The school day includes six periods of 60 minutes each. Academy students must take at least five graded courses each semester. Academy students may also enroll in courses at the University of Nevada, Reno, under a dual enrollment agreement.

    Student Activities
    Students at the Davidson Academy have the opportunity to participate in many activities, including Community Service, Debate Club, DECA, Freescale Cup, Future Physicians, GECKO, Health & Social Justice, Knowledge Bowl, Math Club, Parent Book Club, Programming Club, Science Club, Sierra Vista Charity Club, Slam Poetry Club, Social Activism Club, Spanish Club and Student Council.