Private Schools

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    Hopkins School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private
    • Grades Offered: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT, ISEE
    • CEEB: 70490
    • IPED: 233738
    • Application Fee: $75
    • Tuition Day: $50,850
    • Enrollment: 715
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:New Haven, Connecticut
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    Hopkins is a traditional, independent, coeducational day school of 715 students in grades 7-12, and the third oldest independent school in the country. Located on a 108-acre campus overlooking New Haven, the School takes pride in its distinguished faculty and a dedicated staff.

    In 1660, Edward Hopkins, the second governor of the Connecticut Colony, established our nations first charitable trust to found Hopkins Grammar School on the New Haven Green. The School began with a dedication to the breeding up of hopeful youths. . . for the public service of the country in future times. More than three centuries later, Hopkins School continues to fulfill its original mission, and hopeful _ connoting both the promise and the expectation of future good _ remains the word that defines our educational approach and animates our aspirations.

    Together, we seek to:

    • develop in our young people the habits of mind of scholars as the foundation for a lifelong love of learning
    • foster the courage to live and think as distinct individuals who embrace their responsibilities in the larger world
    • expose every student to the deep satisfaction that derives from service to others
    • enlarge the educational experience to include the creative joy and aesthetic sensibility of the artist, and the vitality and competitive spirit of the athlete
    • provide, through the Schools advisers, the wisdom and goodwill necessary to guide our young people to confident self-reliance
    • nurture the development of character essential to leading a rich and purposeful life

    These tenets are made manifest in the daily life of the School and in the hopes and ambitions we share as an educational community. Taken as a whole, these values provide us both definition and direction as we strive to fulfill Hopkins mission. It is our strong belief that Hopkins remains true to our founders purpose and that the School is a contemporary realization of these centuries-old ideals.