Private Schools

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    Mill Springs Academy

    Mill Springs Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private, Semester, Special Needs, Therapeutic
    • Grades Offered: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 110203
    • IPED: 1929289
    • Application Fee: $175
    • Tuition Day: $31,212
    • Enrollment: 275
    • Special Needs Served: Other, Learning Differences
    • Financial Aid: Other, Payment Terms
    • Location:Alpharetta, Georgia
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    A private school serving LD/ADHD students in grades K-12.

    Mill Springs Academy provides a carefully structured environment within a warm, supportive atmosphere. Our structural approach is a milieu environment that involves our Community Levels System, daily values groups, individualized contracts and Life Space Interview techniques. Mill Springs Academy bases learning strategies on Academic Plans developed for each student by our multidisciplinary staff. Learning strategies are generated from psycho-educational evaluations, previous school records, diagnostic skills assessment, observations, communication with other professionals involved with the student and our continuing experiences with the student. Mill Springs Academy is committed to a comprehensive program design that is multifaceted to meet the needs of the child.