Private Schools

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    Oakcrest School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Religious, Private
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT
    • CEEB: 470989
    • Application Fee: $60
    • Tuition Day: $31,935
    • Enrollment: 307
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Vienna, Virginia
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    Oakcrest School, in partnership with parents, challenges girls in grades 6-12 to develop their intellect, character, faith and leadership potential to succeed in college and throughout their lives. Oakcrest, an independent school, educates the whole person.

    Inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church and the spirituality of Opus Dei, we weave together a rich liberal arts curriculum, character development, one-on-one advising and service to create a vibrant environment that graduates confident young womenyoung women who will make a difference in all they choose to do.

    Oakcrest brings together an outstanding group of women who are very conscious of being mentors, whose role is to help the girls know, love and live the good, the true and the beautiful. They do this through example, prayer, the content and direction of their classes, and countless conversations and hours spent together.

    Together we create a school culture of freedom and responsibility, cheerfulness, sincerity, simplicity, and service. We know that we have the privilege and responsibility of contributing significantly to the parents primary work of forming their daughters moral personality. The years they pass at Oakcrest are the ones that mark them the deepest, because they are the years that involve the most profound shaping of the person. Oakcrest meets the girls questions in all aspects of their life: intellectual, spiritual, social. And it engages them in their own formation and education.

    This personal, dynamic, integral education is the education of a trustee of humanity; it shapes a person who can go on to recognize the beauty and depth of each person because she has first been taught to discover this about herself. When you meet a young woman like this, you wish that many more young women_every young woman_ could have this education as well.