Private Schools

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    St. Timothy’s School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day, Residential
    • Type: Religious, Private
    • Grades Offered: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • Affiliation: The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS)
    • CEEB: 210990
    • Application Fee: $75
    • Tuition Boarding: $69,900
    • Tuition Day: $39,900
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Stevenson, Maryland
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    St. Timothy's, an all-girls secondary residential International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, seeks students of intelligence and integrity from diverse cultural, racial, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds.

    At St. Timothys School we understand how girls learn and live. We give them support as needed, without putting a ceiling over their dreams. We model strong values, but we do not provide cookie-cutter answers to their spiritual questions. We offer an alternative to the messages of me-too materialism and look-alike/act-alike superficiality that bombard them every day. As a boarding school, we surround students with strong mentors and role models 24 hours a day. We are here because the girls are here. They sense that, and as a result, theyre willing to take the risks that lead to growth.

    As a school attuned to a changing world, we prepare future leaders to help shape that change. In the modern world, we are all interdependent; we are all interconnected. As a society, we must figure out how to be integrated, or we will disintegrate. That is why living in a diverse boarding school community is so critical at this age. We want our students to appreciate their own culture, history, and religion, but we also want them to understand others.