Private Schools

    Attend our FREE Summer Programs Virtual Fair on April 10!

    The Cottage School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private, Special Needs
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 112624
    • Application Fee: $200
    • Tuition Day: $24,000
    • Enrollment: 256
    • Special Needs Served: Learning Differences, Autism Spectrum, Other Developmental Disability
    • Financial Aid: Other
    • Location:Roswell, Georgia
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    Building a sense of self for students with special learning needs through academic and experiential programming, The Cottage School prepares individuals for fulfillment of their true potential as confident, productive, and independent adults.


    The Cottage Schools history of success repeatedly demonstrates that students who come to the school disillusioned or discouraged_some to the point of giving up on education–flourish in the schools environment and emerge as independent, capable, and successful young adults. Carefully designed to meet State of Georgia high school graduation standards, as well as HOPE scholarship requirements, the curriculum also exposes students to various situations and subjects that assist them in unlocking their own unique talents and finding their niche in life. All seniors must prepare an approved post-secondary plan as part of graduation requirements.

    The centerpiece of The Cottage School program teaches students the basic work skills that will prove essential to them as adults. Among the schools unique learning techniques is a time management system, similar to the daily planners utilized by many adults. Students receive assignments in two-week blocks, enabling them to engage in short-term planning, with rewards for completing tasks on a timely basis. An instant task feedback system rewards students for completing assignments on time through the payment of a mock salary which they manage through a checking and savings account. Students learn that wages can increase for a job well done, and they learn the value of saving to pay for privileges such as off-campus activities or trips. Every other week, the students participate in levels, a model of the corporate staff meeting, in which students can apply for promotions, give or receive feedback from peers and teachers, and discuss issues of interest. Dress code and respectful ethic builds awareness and appreciation for appropriate workplace attire.