Private Schools

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    The Traveling School

    The Traveling School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Semester
    • Grades Offered: 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • Affiliation: Semester Schools Network
    • Application Fee: $25
    • Tuition Boarding: $37,000
    • Enrollment: 16
    • Percent Boarding: 100
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Bozeman, Montana
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    The Traveling School’s academic schedule and themes are place-based and relevant to engagestudents in their surroundings.

    Students are immersed in challenging topics and learn nuancedperspectives through their teachers, community members, guides and geographic settings.Although the academic schedule variesfrom day to day and week to week, TheTraveling School carefully recordsacademic hours for each class whethera seminar-style lecture, an interactiveacademic exploration or a culturalexchange.Traveling School courses focus oncritical thinking and the ability toaccess, synthesize, evaluate andcommunicate information throughvarious formats. Students are assessedthrough class discussion andparticipation, projects, presentations,homework, quizzes and tests. After the semester, each student and their sending school receivea traditional transcript accompanied with specific course details plus student-specificcomments about growth, proficiency and achievements.

    The Traveling School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, WesternAssociation of Schools and Colleges (ACS-WASC) as a Supplementary Education Program. Ourtranscripts and academic credits are accepted by public and private schools across the country.