Private Schools

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    Trinity Academy of Raleigh


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private
    • Grades Offered: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 343241
    • Tuition Day: $16,947
    • Enrollment: 540
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Payment Terms
    • Location:Raleigh, North Carolina
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    A private K-12 school with a Classical Christian emphasis - located on 40+ acres in Raleigh, North Carolina.

    Trinity Academy’s innovative classical approach to learning impacts everything we do. From the content we teach, to the methods we use to impart that content, and the philosophical beliefs that underpin both of those choices, Trinity’s distinctly classical, Christian environment is unlike any other school in the area.

    Classical educators believe that students ought to be exposed to truth, goodness, and beauty. By focusing on the themes of great books that have stood the test of time, or on the beauty, structure and order found in math, and of course, the wonder and awe in the field of science, Trinity’s faculty creates environments designed to shape students’ minds, hearts, and souls to desire what is true, what is good, and what is beautiful.

    Trinity still believes that a liberal arts education is the best form of education. And while this idea is often challenged in today’s present educational climate, we remain just as interested in who our students will become as we are in what they will do. To this end, Upper School students take classes in Ethics, Logic, Rhetoric, and the History of Ideas, just to name a few. Combine that with expert teaching in science, math, modern language, humanities, and fine arts, and your child will be fully prepared to enter even the most highly esteemed academic institutions of higher learning.