Private Schools

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    Wy’East Mountain Academy

    Wy’East Mountain Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Private
    • Grades Offered: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, PG
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: Not Required
    • CEEB: 380034
    • Tuition Boarding: $59,500
    • Tuition Day: $39,500
    • Enrollment: 60
    • Percent Boarding: 100
    • Financial Aid: Payment Terms
    • Location:Sandy, Oregon
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    A boarding school for snowboarders, freestyle skiers, skateboarders and mountain bikers. Students train with Olympic caliber coaches, while living on a beautiful 28 acre campus in the Pacific Northwest.

    Wy'East Mountain Academy is an exceptional and unique private boarding school for snowboarders, freestyle skiers, skateboarders, mountain bikers and lovers of the outdoors. Students train with Olympic caliber coaches, excel in competitions within their sport, travel to world-class destinations and thrive while living on a beautiful 28-acre campus in the Pacific Northwest. We welcome all levels of student athletes from beginner to advanced. In addition to elite level coaching programs, we provide a challenging and rigorous college preparatory academic environment.

    Academy students range from 12 to 19 years old, 7th to 12th grade, with an option to continue with college courses up to age 19. Our students follow an online curriculum supported by teachers in a physical classroom environment, and adhere to a disciplined training schedule with their coaches for the rest of the day. Most snow sports students train on the mountain in the morning and attend class in the afternoon, while most skateboard and mountain bike students attend class in the morning and train in the afternoon. All students take their laptops and continue their classes while traveling. Within the Skiing and Snowboarding programs we offer "park" and "big mountain" options, competitive and noncompetitive options. All students in each program are welcome to participate (‘cross train”) in other programs.

    We seek students who are passionate about learning and take training in their sport seriously, regardless of skill level. We admit students that are truly excited about joining our community. We do not require a perfect GPA or elite-level ability for admittance; however, we do require students to take their education seriously and abide by a strict code of conduct while on campus. If you would like to know more about our academy boarding program, please check out our website!