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    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Affiliations: Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA)
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    AdmissionsCheckup is an innovative service to which students upload their college applications and in 24 hours get honest application feedback from three former admissions officers. The admissions officers hail from great schools including Tufts, Princeton, UNC, Columbia, UVA, and Boston University. 

    AdmissionsCheckup.com is an innovative new service that allows college (and graduate school) applicants access to former admissions officers.  Students upload their college application (typically the Common Application), testing, transcript, and essays to the site and in 24-72 hours they get specific (and brutally honest) application feedback from three former admissions officers.  The admissions officers have an average of eight years of admissions experience. They have been: Directors, Assistant Directors or Associate Directors of Admission and they have read thousands of applications, including those of international students. 

    The admissions officers hail from a diverse group of colleges and universities, including Tufts, Princeton, Amherst, Swarthmore, Hamilton, Oberlin, Northwestern, Williams, Bates, UNC, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Brandeis, Boston University, Johns Hopkins Pomona and many, many more.

    When possible, the site even matches prospective students with admissions officers who worked at the student’s first choice school or overlap school

    While many students get feedback from their parents, teachers, counselors, and friends, it is not always objective. These admissions officers aren’t “nice” they are honest. The site offers a money-back guarantee which has never been cashed in as parents and students are delighted to stop guessing whether the application is good enough.  Here are a few testimonials from clients from Google Reviews and Yelp:

    Wow!  First class!  They understand that every child is an individual that doesn't fit into a cookie-cutter mold.  AdmissionsCheckup was an eye-opening experience. The 3 former admissions officers were helpful and each had different insight on how to improve my son's application.  

    S. Winters


     As a busy parent removed from how the college admissions process has evolved since we went through it as high school students, I found …AdmissonsCheckup to be a godsend.  It's tough to be able to know what admissions officers are expecting and what enables students to stand out - to have AdmissionsCheckup help us through this process was invaluable.  Both my kids were clients and were accepted into their first-choice schools. I highly recommend them! 

    K. Hason