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    Bass Educational Services

    Bass Educational Services


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Gap Year Advisor, LD Advisor
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:Olney, Maryland
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    Judy Bass provides comprehensive college and postsecondary planning services for students with learning differences, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Guidance in fostering independence and self-advocacy; assistance in obtaining college accommodations.

    The Bass Advantage

    • We offer comprehensive college planning designed for students with learning differences.
    • We guide students toward improved self-awareness, self-advocacy, and independence.
    • We have first-hand knowledge of hundreds of colleges and their available support services.
    • We focus on finding colleges that match each student's academic, social, and emotional needs.
    • We strive to find colleges where our students will be happy and successful. 

    Our Staff

    With a staff of professional educational consultants, each family is guaranteed the benefit of a talented and collaborative team.  We meet weekly to exchange information about colleges and services that would benefit our students.  Frequent professional development events keep us up-to-date on the ever-changing legal and social landscape of our profession.  We pride ourselves on our detailed knowledge of the learning support at each college and on the type of student that will be served well there. Our team of consultants possesses the skills and sensitivity required to work with all types of learners and the expertise to facilitate the independence and self-advocacy skills needed to succeed in college.  

    Our Approach

    At Bass Educational Services, we believe that finding a college that is the right fit should be a student-driven process. We encourage our students to become invested in their future and empower them to take control of the college planning process. We approach the college search and application processes as opportunities for growth, exploration, and yes, even excitement! Over the course of twelve sessions, we see our students develop stronger self-awareness and self-confidence and begin to take responsibility for this important next step in their lives.

    We begin working with students as early as freshman year in order to ensure that they are on the best path toward success in high school, and we accept new students through senior year.

    Cornerstones to Our Approach

    • Understanding the unique issues facing a student with learning differences
    • Facilitating a student-driven approach to the college selection process
    • Reviewing the student's IEP or 504 Plan, pyschoeducational testing report, and high school transcript
    • Developing a personalized list of colleges and/or post-secondary programs
    • Examining whether a gap year, post-secondary placement, two-year school, or four-year school is appropriate
    • Providing referrals to experts in testing, tutoring, and financial aid
    • Improving student self-knowledge and self-advocacy skills
    • Recommending high school courses and activities and test preparation strategies
    • Assisting with essay writing, applications, and interviewing skills 

    Our Students

    There are over 3,000 colleges in the U.S. alone, and many offer strong learning support services. Our consultants visit colleges and universities on a continual basis, meeting with learning specialists, assessing each learning center, and speaking with admissions counselors. We understand what schools offer and the students they serve best. We are the experts in finding the right fit for our students.

    We have also found that some students are not ready for the college experience. We have the knowledge and expertise to recommend other options, such as independent living skills programs, emotional growth programs, and gap-year programs.

    We work with students at all levels of academic ability, from those in special education classes to those who have taken honors and AP classes or are enrolled in an IB program.

    What our students have in common is a strong desire to further their education, whether that means a four-year, academically challenging college, a two-year college, an independent living skills program, a gap year, or any number of other options available to high school graduates.

    We have worked with students with many different learning issues, including, but not limited to: Language Based Learning Disability, AD/HD Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Dyslexia, Reading Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder


    • Judy Bass not only helped my son in finding and getting into the college of his dreams, she also created the unthinkable: Making the junior and senior year fun and exciting for the parents! This could have been a nightmare for us. Aside from being overwhelmed with the process and the choices that are out there, we as parents would have been on our son's back non-stop, creating tension left and right. Instead, Judy took the time to get to know our son, created a perfect list of colleges, guided us through timing and evaluation of campus visits, supported Max to write all sorts of great essays on time, and kept reassuring us that Max would have great options! Max got into every single college he applied to with major financial incentives. But just as important, we got to have a great time with our son during the last two years of school, strengthening our relationship with this young man, talking about and teaching life skills in a relaxed environment. This was one of our best investments - it paid off on so many levels. Thank you Judy!

      - Ann-Lee - July 2, 2015