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    Berkshire Hills Music Academy

    Berkshire Hills Music Academy


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Special Needs Services
    • Service Delivery: In-Person
    • Location:South Hadley, Massachusetts
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    Berkshire Hills Music Academy is a post-secondary learning community for young adults ages 18 and up living with a wide variety of disabilities, including Williams Syndrome. We specialize in vocational skills, independent living skills and music.

    Berkshire Hills Music Academy offers a variety of programs: Two Year Certificate Program, LIVE Program, Summer Extension Program, and a Summer Program. The goal of the Two Year Certificate Program is to transition students to greater independence. The Life Centered Education curriculum offers competencies in the areas of daily living skills, self determination and interpersonal skills and employment skills. All students are offered the opportunity to participate in music classes. Music classes are interest and ability based and are taught by professional musicians who help bring our students to the next level of performance or improve beginner skills.

    The Live Program (Long _ term Independent Vocation Experience) is a network of graduates who live at or near BHMA and continue to receive services. Graduates choose from an a la carte menu of offerings tied to their interests and funding resources. For a member of the LIVE Program this might mean 24-hour residential services, a day program of group vocation or individual work, participation in weekend-only leisure activities, weekly music lessons, or ensembles. Members of the LIVE Program work in the community in various settings with varying levels of support. They enjoy frequent socializing with one another, continuing the friendships and shared activities they were first introduced to in the BHMA Transition Program. Participation may range from a few years to a life placement.