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    Brady College Counseling

    Brady College Counseling


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Affiliations: National Association for College Admission Counseling
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    It’s very common in this industry to have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to college consulting services. At Brady College Counseling, the college admissions process is personalized. 

    When you sign on with Brady College Counseling, the following is offered:

    Unlimited communication

    Unlimited application and essay reviews

    Unlimited support


    Academic and Testing Services

    Assistance mapping out your academic courses and explain which courses are most crucial to college admissions. Point out potential red flags in your academic schedule.  Evaluate your academic GPA, recalculating it (if necessary), and examine your class rank. Generate your standardized test plan, determining which tests are appropriate and refer you to reputable test prep tutors. Evaluate your test scores (PSAT, PLAN, SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests) as they arrive and decide which tests to retake and submit. Counsel you on the importance of building relationships with your high school teachers and guidance counselor.  Help you understand the importance of teacher evaluations in college admissions, providing advice on which teachers to approach at the end of your junior year or beginning of your senior year. Help you discover your academic strengths and how to make them stand out in your college applications. Help you develop effective study skills, most importantly during your freshman and sophomore years. Discuss potential academic majors in college and the importance of planning ahead when declaring certain majors. Make sure you stay on track academically, through the end of your senior year.

    Extracurricular Services

    Work with you to build your college résumé, including extracurricular activities, internships, employment, community service, hobbies, and honors/awards. Advise you on athletic recruiting, if applicable, assisting you with your athletic résumé and video, as well as appropriate communication with college coaches. Provide you with advice if you would like to pursue a college degree in performing or fine arts, including the necessity of building a portfolio. Map out your community service plan, explaining the level of involvement that colleges are hoping to see. Help you plan your summer activities, including employment, internships, summer camps, workshops, and volunteering.


    College Admissions Services

    Meet with you throughout the college list-building process, reviewing specific college expectations, goals, and needs. Build your initial college list and teach you practical online research tools. Help you finalize your college list, ensuring that your colleges range in selectivity. Advise you on college visits and appropriate communication with college admissions officers. Explain the importance of “demonstrated interest” in college admissions and how best to showcase this in your college applications. Review the components of the Common Application with you, as well as any additional applications pertaining to your college list.  Create a strategy for college deadlines and application requirements. Work with you to brainstorm, outline, and edit your required college essays, including all supplemental essays. Explain what colleges are looking for in the college essay, including the fundamental differences between the college essay and the English paper. Provide a comprehensive review of your college applications, including all data entry, résumés, and required essays.  Help you prepare for your on-campus and alumni interviews, including mock interview sessions. Guide you throughout the application process, ensuring that everything is completed on time and to the best of your ability. Discuss colleges and college admissions in a pressure-free environment, helping you feel less stressed and more excited about what lies ahead. Help you make evaluate your final college selection once college admissions letters and financial aid packages have arrived. 

    Counseling Services

    Provide constant reassurance and support throughout the college admissions process. Meet or talk on the phone whenever you start to feel overwhelmed. Offer appropriate guidance if things take a turn for the worse in your classes, extracurricular activities, or social groups. Advise you on how best to approach college admissions officers and other college officials, including the phone and email correspondence you’re likely to have with them. Provide you with the latest college admissions news and discuss how it applies specifically to your family.